Boiler Houses

Application instructions for Halfrid mazut use in boiler‐houses

The present Application Instructions are developed for the use of Halfrid®mazut quantum fuel activator as part of the fuels for oil‐fired boiler units and stoves and to clear fuel supply systems. 

1. Group

As for the method of application, Halfrid®mazut belongs to the group of additives for reduced fuel oil. 

2. Composition and Operating Principle

Halfrid®mazut is a stabilized solution of specific organic substances in the mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons with boiling limits from 190 to 310 °С. In appearance Halfrid®mazut resembles reduced fuel oil with slight characteristic odor.

When mixing the quantum activator with fuel oil in strictly defined spans of concentrations the self‐organization of Halfrid®mazut active centers takes place, which results in the fuel oil physical changes. In particular, activated fuel oil has the lower viscosity in comparison with the standard fuel oil.

Halfrid®mazut operating principle is based on the effect of quantum polyresonance activation (QPRA),which is induced in the combustion gases of activated fuel and results in partial ordering of the incident reactants vibrational‐rotational motion, implying decrease of its entropy and heat capacity. Furnace gas heat capacity decrease due to QPRA effect allows the furnace gas transfer more heat to water and vapour through reduction of heat loss with exhaust gas. Herewith the activator doesn’t influence the temperature and rate of combustion of fuel oil.


3. Effects

• decrease in specific fuel consumption not less than 10%;

• emission control (with respect to nitrogen oxides) up to 30%;

• decrease of emission smokiness up to 40%;

• clearing of the fuel supply systems.


4. Method of Application and Dosage

Injection of Halfrid®mazut into the fuel is carried out by adding the standard volume of the product into the fuel storage container through the upper tank hatch. You may add it either into the filled storage or before fueling. The intermixing is fast enough (no more than 40 minutes) even without the new fuel oil refilling, due to the heater convection streams and activator features. The general operation scheme of the oil‐fired boiler‐houses envisages availability of the fuel‐oil storage tanks, day tank, boilers and auxiliary equipment. Very often the fuel‐oil storage tank consists of two (or more) identical storages ‐one of them is used as the day tank, from which the fuel oil is supplied directly into the boiler, and the reserve is stored in the other (the others). In case of fuel level lowering in the day tank, the second storage tank is attached to the boiler, thus becoming the day one, while the first day tank is filling with the fuel oil. The cycle repeats hereafter. In some cases there is only one storage tank and it combines the functions of the storage and day tank.

In any case Halfrid®mazut use scheme provides the supply of the activated fuel oil with the concentration of 50 ml of activator per 1 cubic meter of fuel oil. That’s why before the activation you should define the fuel oil cumulative quantity (in cubic meters) in the storage tank, from which the fuel oil is supplied into the boiler for burning. The tankage must be also included into this amount. The fuel oil is frequently calculated in tons, measuring its volume in the tank and converting it with the values of density at storage temperature. It’s very important to get the data by volume.

In the course of the first activation the total fuel volume in the fuel supply system should be calculated,including the non‐taking tankage, the volume of the pipelines, pumps and filters;In the course of all the subsequent fuelings, the amount of Halfrid®mazut in the storage tank should only correspond the volume of the fuel.

The dosage inaccuracy shouldn’t exceed + 5% of standard (specified) quantity. In order to avoid additional errors it’s recommended to use measuring tanks with no less than 2nd accuracy class for Halfrid®mazut dosage.


5. Variants of Activator Addition

The activation itself is the filling of the specified amount of activator into the fuel oil storage tank. Thevariations depend on the use of these storage tanks in boiler‐house. There following variants are possible:

 5.1. Two Fuel Oil Tanks The system of two day tanks (where the first one supplies the boiler while the second one is being filled from the storage tank or from the fuel oil delivery trucks on just‐in‐ time basis, then they are changed for the second one to supply and the first one to be filled) is the best option. You should choose the period of time when one of the tanks is going to be filled, begin with adding the activator and fill the fuel oil after that. Everything is mixed properly in this variant and the effect is evident right after attaching the tank to the boiler. One should remember that the fuel oil produces tankage, water, mud and the first activator adding results in washing all the tankage, therefore the flame body instability, smoke from the chimney, and pumps fluctuation may occur during the first hours. In extreme case, the filters in front of the pumps may be blocked. After putting into operation the first tank with activated fuel oil, the second one should be activated (before filling it with fuel oil). There will be the same washing and dissolution of mud and water. Therefore be ready that after 2 hours of the first tank cleaning the boiler will be operating better, but after changing for the second tank the instability will return again for a while. After these two periods everything will get to the stationary mode, and after that you may reduce the fuel oil temperature (disable makeup heating ) and change nozzles. After the adjustment to make the fuel burning properly, you may start measuring the fuel oil discharge, steam and heat generation.

The amount of activator per tank is to be defined in the following way: in the course of the first activation the tankage plus the amount of fuel oil to be filled should be calculated. Henceforth the amount of activator should be added only per amount of filling fuel oil. The same situation is with the second tank (and third one in case of three tanks).


5.2. One Fuel Oil Tank In case the boiler‐house is supplied from only one tank, which functions as the fuel‐oil storage tank and day tank, one should calculate the amount of activator per total volume,including the tankage for the moment of activation, and if there is a possibility to add activator just prior to the filling of this tank with the new fuel oil from the fuel oil delivery truck, the amount is calculated per amount after the filling (still including the tankage). Hereafter, activator should be added just before filling, but on the basis of adding the amount of fuel oil.


6. Safety Precautions

The safety precautions of Halfrid®mazut use are the same as for the hydrocarbon fuel. Detailed safetyinstructions are presented in the corresponding sections of Halfrid®mazut Technical Specifications. In case of KAt‐M direct injection into the fuel oil tank, the activator temperature comes up to the flashoint (please, do not confuse it with the activator spontaneous ignition temperature, which is more than 455° С) only at the moment of contact with the fuel oil surface.